Expertise und Tätigkeit


Ms. Zana Cena works as a Legal Associate at Hodaj & Partners since February 2022. Her main areas of focus and experience are Commercial and Corporate Law, Employment Law and Human Rights Law. Previously she has worked as a Legal Associate at Kika & Associates, as a Legal Intern at the Constitutional Court of Kosovo and was involved in various other projects as a legal intern and legal researcher.


Ms. Cena during her studies at University of Prishtina, participated in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna. She was awarded the KAEF Scholarship to study in the United States. Therefore, she has an LL.M. from Duke University, School of Law. During her studies at Duke, her main areas of focus were business law and corporate finance law.



Albanisch, Englisch


2021, Duke University, School of Law, LLM

2019, University of Prishtina, (LL.B.)


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +383 38 717 574 / +383 44 337 378


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