
Lobbying and Public Affairs

We understand that legislation and policy decisions across a broad range of sectors can impact your organisation’s vitality more profoundly than court judgments and as severely as business decisions related to your core activities.

Understanding the policy, political and regulatory context impacting your organisation is critical to your overall success. Businesses, trade associations, organisations and individuals can sometimes be unsure about how the political decision-making process affects them and how best to engage with policymakers and wider stakeholders.

Hodaj & Partners can help you to identify your objectives depending on the situation and context, whether you:

·       Seek to reduce the cost that an inevitable law will lead to

·       Are looking for ways to benefit from a government decision or to minimise its impact

·       Want to intervene to challenge an unfavourable measure

·       Plan to participate in the preparation of state, sector or general actions

Our advisors can help you to navigate, engage and influence the policy and regulatory landscape impacting your organisation and ensure your message reaches people of influence to produce real change. 

We help those we work with to maximise the potential benefits of – and minimise the risk from – the political environment.


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +383 38 717 574 / +383 44 337 378


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