
Tax and Customs Law

We offer a full range of taxation services from tax planning and tax compliance to tax litigation. Our team provides these services by offering continuous support to our clients in optimising tax costs in both domestic and cross-border context. We regularly advise clients on the utilisation of tax incentives available under national tax laws, we review entities’ business operations to assess tax compliance and identify clients’ tax risks. Additionally, we advise our clients on employment-related taxation, including the taxation of local and foreign employees.

Our expertise in all aspects of Corporate and Commercial Law gives us a unique ability to understand both, key legal as well as tax related issues when providing taxation advice. It allows us to provide our clients with practical and applicable advice to help them to repeatedly achieve their commercial objectives, setting the bar of mutual expectations higher each and every time.

We also provide customs advice and planning, including assessment of customs duties, customs compliance and customs procedures, the classification of products, origin regulations, the utilisation of custom exemptions, and other forms of customs regimes.


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +383 38 717 574 / +383 44 337 378


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