Zeliha Mallaku


Fushat e Ekspertizës & Përvoja Profesionale

Ms. Zeliha Mallaku is a Legal and Finance Associate at Hodaj & Partners since August 2020. She previously worked as a Law Intern at the Basic Court of Prizren, and with a private firm as a Legal Assistant.

Ms. Mallaku during her studies participated in EU Summer School in Prishtina in training “European Integration”. In addition, she also participated in the European Forum Alpbach in Austria in the training “The role of the European Court of the Human Rights” and also in various trainings in non-governmental organizations in Kosovo and abroad.
Albanian and English
2014, University of Prizren (LL. B)


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +383 38 717 574 / +383 44 337 378


@2024 – Të gjitha të drejtat e rezervuara. Projektuar dhe zhvilluar nga Nomad Consulting