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Ekipi ynë
Our team consists of highly skilled attorneys with broad and extensive experience that demonstrate a creative and solution-oriented way of thinking. We take pride in our work, and always strive to fully understand our clients’ needs…
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Rivet is a closely integrated alliance of leading independent law firms in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo…
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Njihuni me dy bashkëpunëtorët e Hodaj & Partners, Zyra e Avokatisë
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Parimi kryesor i zyrës sonë është ofrimi i shërbimeve juridike cilësore për bizneset dhe individët në mënyrë personale, të shpejtë dhe të kujdesshme.
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Taulant Hodaj is appointed Secretary General of the Football Federation of Kosovo
Lawyer Taulant Hodaj has accepted the post of Secretary General after several years of an excellent cooperation with FFK, representing them in courts and local and international institutions.
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Commercial & Corporate Law
Në fushën e së drejtës tregtare dhe të korporatave, avokatët tanë merren me një gamë të gjërë të ҫështjeve biznesore e komerciale……
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Ekipi ynë
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[ux_banner bg=”4378″ bg_size=”original” bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)” bg_pos=”left” hover=”overlay-remove” link=”https://hodajlaw.com/2022/03/15/meet-the-two-new-associates-of-hodaj-partners-associates-law-office/”]
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Meet the two new associates of Hodaj & Partners..
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[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”4085″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)” bg_pos=”bottom” hover=”overlay-remove” link=”/2021/08/24/taulant-hodaj-emerohet-sekretar-i-pergjithshem-i-federates-se-futbollit-te-kosoves/”]
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[ux_text font_size=”0.75″ line_height=”1.2″]
Taulant Hodaj is appointed Secretary General of the Football Federation of Kosovo
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Commercial & Corporate Law
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[text_box width=”51″ width__sm=”97″ scale=”98″ padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px” position_x=”100″ position_x__sm=”50″ position_y=”90″ position_y__sm=”90″ text_align=”left” bg=”rgba(0, 44, 83, 0.65)”]
Ekipi ynë
Our team consists of highly skilled attorneys with broad and extensive experience that demonstrate a creative and solution-oriented way of thinking. We take pride in our work, and always strive to fully understand our clients’ needs…
[ux_banner height=”800px” height__sm=”460px” bg=”889″ bg_size=”original” bg_color=”rgb(255,255,255)” bg_overlay=”rgba(84, 84, 84, 0.1)” bg_pos=”100% 71%” link=”/areas-of-practice/commercial-corporate-law/”]
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Commercial & Corporate Law
Our Commercial and Corporate Law practice engages our lawyers in a wide variety of business and commercial matters including mergers and acquisitions, , disposals, loan transactions…
[ux_banner height=”800px” height__sm=”380px” bg=”2536″ bg_size=”original” bg_color=”rgb(255,255,255)” bg_overlay=”rgba(84, 84, 84, 0.1)” bg_pos=”49% 66%” link=”/about/”]
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About us
Hodaj & Partners is a leading law firm in Kosovo that provides legal services to national and international companies…
[ux_banner height=”800px” height__sm=”380px” bg=”2388″ bg_size=”original” bg_color=”rgb(255,255,255)” bg_overlay=”rgba(84, 84, 84, 0.1)” bg_pos=”50% 51%” link=”/about/”]
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Rivet is a closely integrated alliance of leading independent law firms in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo…
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Hodaj & Partners është një ndër zyrat më të njohura të avokatëve në Kosovoë që ofron shërbime juridike për kompani vendore dhe ndërkombëtare që vijnë nga një gamë e gjërë e industrive, por poashtu edhe për persona private, në të gjitha aspektet e ligjeve të Kosovës dhe ato ndërkombëtare. Në bashkëpunim me avokatë nga Europa Juglindore dhe Europa Përendimore, ne poashtu u ofrojmë klientëvë tanë shërbime dhe konsulencë gjithëpërfshirëse për transaksionet ndërkombëtare dhe ofrojmë këshilla ligjore në mënyrë të qartë dhe të koordinuar.
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Our Commercial and Corporate Law practice engages our lawyers …
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Our law firm offers services regarding all aspects of labour…
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[featured_box img=”1539″ img_width=”70″ pos=”left” title_small=”Finance Law” icon_color=”rgb(167, 136, 94)” link=”/areas-of-practice/finance-law/”]
The world of Finance Law is complex and cumbersome to navigate…
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[featured_box img=”1252″ img_width=”70″ pos=”left” title_small=”Tax & Customs Law” icon_color=”rgb(167, 136, 94)” link=”/areas-of-practice/tax-and-customs-law/”]
We offer a full range of taxation services from tax planning…
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[featured_box img=”1255″ img_width=”70″ pos=”left” title_small=”Energy & Infrastructure” icon_color=”rgb(167, 136, 94)” link=”/areas-of-practice/energy-infrastructure/”]
Kosovo is famous of its natural resources for energy production…
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Public Procurement is an area that provides significant business opportunities in Kosovo…
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Client Testimonials
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[testimonial image_width=”144″ name=”Mathias Kiesler, Deputy Head of Mission” company=”German Embassy in Pristina”]
“We have found that Hodaj & Partners (former Lexicom Associates) to be responsible, professional and trustworthy partner who provides a high quality of legal advice”.
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[testimonial image_width=”144″ name=”Dr. Johannn Brieger, MBA” company=”Ambassador of the Austrian Embassy in Pristina”]
“The Austrian Embassy in Prishtina has been a long-term partner with Mr. Hodaj. He has the highest abilities, knowledge and professional approach as Attorney at law to provide legal services”
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[testimonial image_width=”144″ name=”Damian George, Director for Europe and Africa Programs.” company=”International City/County Management Association ICMA Washington DC”]
“The advice from HODAJ & Partners has been a major help in resolving different legal matters and in enabling the successful mobilization of ICMA activities in Kosovo”
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[testimonial image_width=”144″ name=”Dr. Axel Bödefeld SJ” company=”Director, Association “Loyola-Gymnasium”]
“The work of Hodaj & Partners is a very important supportive factor to our institution. We are experiencing a successful cooperation.”